Now that we're back, we thought we'd bring you up to date on what's in store for the Fleas.
Sunday, Sept. 5, 12 to 2:30pm: Beacon Farmers' Market, waterfront park, Beacon NY.
Saturday, Sept. 11, 2 to 4pm, Brownstone Arts opening, Portland Public Library, Portland CT.
Sunday, Sept 12, 10am to 12pm, Swing Jam, Beacon NY
Sunday, Sept 12, 2 to 6pm, Hoot on the Hudson, Cold Spring NY
Tuesday, Sept. 21, 7 to 8:30pm, Bethel Public Library, Bethel CT
Saturday, Sept. 25, 5 to 6pm, Heebasquabee Festival, Glendale Farms, Hector NY
Check the calendar to the right for details, directions and more info. We hope to see you at one of these great events!