New August dates added!
Cannon Grange Fair! Sunday, August 25, 10am til 4pm, 25 Cannon Road, Cannondale (Wilton) CT. Join us at this charming old-time agricultural fair! The Fleas play from 1pm til 3pm. Admission $2; free parking at Cannondale railroad station.
Ukestock! Saturday, August 10, 11:30 am. Putnam Park, east side Bethel entrance. Potluck, BYOB! Bring ukes, chairs, etc.
Swing Jam! Sunday, August 11, 10 am til 1:30 pm. Bank Square Coffeehouse, Main St. Beacon, NY. All instruments and listeners welcome.
Ukulele Open Mic! Thursday, August 15, 7:00 til 9:30 pm. Towne Crier Cafe, 379 Main St., Beacon NY. Sign up in person starting at 5pm. Free!
and share your love of this amazing little instrument with a community
of other like-minded aficionados! Here’s your chance to show off your
uke chops, debut a new song, or just take that first step of playing in
front of a supportive audience of ukulele fans.