Coffeehouse concert series! Friday, October 12, 7:00 til 8:30 pm, Hall Memorial Library, 93 Main St, Ellington, CT. We're delighted to be part of the library's popular coffeehouse series! Join us, it's free.
Swing Jam! Sunday, October 14th, 10 am til 1:30 pm. Bank Square Coffeehouse, Main St. Beacon, NY. All instruments and listeners welcome.
Celtic Night (with a little swing on the side), Sunday, October 14, 5:00 til 7:30 pm, The Abbey Restaurant and Bar, 132 Danbury Rd., New Milford CT
Wendy and Greg will join host Uncle Bill Whiskey (AKA Bill Wisnowski) as the special musical guests at Celtic Night! We'll be doing some swingy Fleas tunes and Tin Pan Alley favorites along with Celtic and Americana music! The Abbey has terrific food and drink specials at happy hour prices! No cover, tips appreciated.
Fleas in Concert at Croton Library! Friday, October 19, 7:30 til 9:00pm, Croton Free Library, 171 Cleveland Drive, Croton-On-Hudson, NY. This will be a special event in a wonderful theatre with the fabulous Mark Murphy joining us on bass. And it's free!
Uke from Scratch! Saturday, October 20th, 3:00 til 4:30 pm, Fairfield LIbrary, 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield CT.
The ukulele workshop for complete beginners! No uke, no problem, we have loaners to share. Free, but registration required. Contact the library to register.
Brunch at the Towne Crier! Sunday, October 21st, 11:30 til 2:30 pm,
Towne Crier Cafe 379 Main St., Beacon NY. Join us for our Ukulele Swing brunch! Tasty, toe-tapping tunes and tasty food! No cover charge.